Strong by Form mentioned by the Secretary General of the InnovaWood network at the closing keynote of WCTE2023

“You just got seriously name-dropped by the Secretary General of the InnovaWood network at the closing keynote of WCTE2023 (the world conference of timber engineering in Oslo).” Yesterday a friend sent us this message that filled our hearts with pride. It is quite impressive to watch how seriously the industry is getting about Woodflow being the future of engineered…

Strong by Form made it into Sifted’s 209 early deep-tech startups to watch!

Strong by Form made it into Sifted’s 209 early deep-tech startups to watch! This is an amazing recognition from Europe’s leading startup intelligence platform and demonstrates how the ecosystem considers us a European player…. Even though we are two weeks away from officially becoming a European company. Here is a summary of the briefing: Andres Mitnik Daniel Del…

Strong by Form had a great week at ChangeNOW

Strong by Form had a great week at ChangeNOW !!! It was amazing the interest our Woodflow technology had among the audience. Our booth did not stop during the three days of the event. We are glad to have the chance to delve further into the French ecosystem where we see huge traction for sustainable materials in construction,…

Summary of our activities in LIGNA 2023

Lovely summary of our activities in LIGNA 2023! We are really proud of how surprised is everyone when realizing Strong by Form ability to reshape the wood industry comes from this far away country called Chile. Thanks so much to our partners from CMPC for editing this video of our cofounders Andres Mitnik Jorge Christie and Daniel Del Río Ortiz and the distinguished visitors…

Highlighted as one of the leading startups in construction in LATAM by Leonard’s CONTECH LATAM 2023 report.

We can´t be prouder about being highlighted as one of the leading startups in construction in LATAM by Leonard’s CONTECH LATAM 2023 report. Looking forward to working with you guys! Here the full report: Andres Mitnik Daniel Del Río Ortiz Jorge Christie Diego Lyon José Manuel Gómez Rivera Matthieu Lerondeau Ghada Mami